Foundation in Design (2013)

By Tang An-Gie

Monday, May 6, 2013

Colour Wheel Group Assignments

Last Monday we have been given a fun group assignment which is colour wheel assignment.
 My group memeber are Jean, Fauza, Farah, Eka and Ching Hsin.
 Jean had came out an idea which is using the building to presenting the colour wheel with 12 different colours.

Eveyone was doing 2 building with different colour which start from red to violet. Every 2 buliding are the buildings from diferent places.

I choose Thailand building to bulid up the colour wheel . I had search for some sample of Thailand Buildings from our university library.
I just choose 2 of them to be my colour wheel building whitch is the first and the last .

After that, I draw the both building in a A2 size water colour paper and i colour them with orange colour and some yellow colour.

After draw the outline and cut it out.

And i make the board behind the building to make them stand.
Finally, I have done my Thailand building.

Before Monday, our group had stay back in the campus to build our colour wheel building.

More than 10hours to set up all the building! But our group really have fun while doing this assignments.

Yea~~    This is our group work
This was amazing!
I love it!
Every members spend their times to finish this before Monday!
The colour wheel look so nice .

Everyone stand behind our own building to take photos!  Start from Eka, Me, Ching Hsin, Jean, Farah and Fauza.

Eating our buildings! hahaha

This is My buildings! I really enjoy the moments that spend to finish this colour wheel assignments. This was the great group work that i have never done before.

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